Going for an outdoor walk should be a pleasurable and calming experience that is also good for one’s health. It certainly should never be the cause of a lasting brain injury that can have irreversible changes on your life.

Yet, when the ground surface condition is unsafe and not suitable for walking on or for engaging in other activities, serious personal injury with life lasting effects can occur.

A slip and fall can occur when walking outside for any number of reasons. Losing your balance, poor weather conditions or a distraction, such as the approach of a biker, can all contribute to losing your footing and tumbling to the ground. But sometimes, the reason for the fall is less innocent: it’s due to a crumbling sidewalk, loose paver stone, non-shoveled walkway or something of that was the result of negligence on the part of the responsible party. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention there are over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury.

In the best of cases, these avoidable tumbles will end with a black-and-blue mark. In the worst of cases – a traumatic brain injury.

How does a traumatic brain injury occur?

The brain has an inbuilt layer of protection in the form of fluid, which cushions the brain and prevents it from making contact with the skull. However, when the body is jarred rapidly – such as in the case of a sudden slip and fall – the brain can collide with the skull, causing damage to the delicate brain material. Depending on the severity of the jolt, the resulting damage can range from mild to severe.

How do I know if I suffered a brain injury?

Unlike a visible body part, the brain is an internal organ. As such, brain injuries may not be detected with the naked eye. The occurrence of various symptoms may give rise to a suspicion of brain injuries. If you experience a fall in which your head makes contact with the ground or any other object, be aware of some of the possible signs of a brain injury including:

-Difficulty concentrating

-Mood changes

-Memory loss


-Loss of consciousness (even brief)

-Blurred vision

-Slowness in thinking or speaking

-Ringing in the ears

-Sensitivity to light or noise


A traumatic brain injury can impact many areas of a person’s life, including, but not limited to, the ability to sustain a job. If there was negligence that contributed to your traumatic brain injury, you can be compensated for your loss and suffering. At Find Injury Law, we specialize in matching personal injury victims with the lawyer who will recover the most money for their specific case.

Your quality of life has suffered; with Find Injury Law, you can maximize your compensation which can help improve your quality of life for years to come.